The Sensory Coupler is here

Bleep Labs designs and manufactures analog and digital light and sound


Domestic shipping for one to two shirts is now only $2.50!

New and old designs from Goopymart available now!

Handmade Music Austin #11

On Sept 12th we will be presenting Eric’s 1979 Phototheremin again due to popular demand.
For the advanced class you can build either the 4ms AutoBass or Bleep Labs Nebulophone.

There will also be another Show ‘n Swap ‘n Tell so bring your creations of any variety to show off or junk to trade and sell.

We’ve been filling up quick lately so get there early to get a seat!

Sept 12th – Salvage Vanguard Theater
12:30 – Beginner class -$10
2:30 – Advanced class – $50