The Sensory Coupler is here

Bleep Labs designs and manufactures analog and digital light and sound

Three new artist devices

We’ve been busy!
Dam-Funk, Freelance Whales, and The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion all have Bleep Labs devices out now!

Follow us on Facebook as we’ll be releasing more info about each in the coming weeks.

The DAM-DRUM will be included with Dam-Funk’s new 12″ “I Don’t Wanna Be a Star”. (Sold out)

For the new Freelance Whales album, diluvia, The Astralark Home Planetarium.

The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion’s new album, Meat Bone, will have a special edition pack that includes the JSBX2012 Blue Exploder.

Stay tuned for videos and more info for each.
We’ll also be releasing another Gieskes device in the coming month as well as an all new Bleep Labs device by the holidays.