OK Goopy

Update : The Youtube link was killed but you can still see it at Hulu. Ok Go used some original Thingamagoops on Leno last night. In other news you can submit your Thignamagoop 2 pictures or creations you’ve made with Bleep Labs kits to the new Flickr Pool. The...

Handmade Music Austin events

Two events coming up soon for Austin noisemakers: Summer Swap Party + Show-N-Tell Bring your home made music machines to show off to other noise nerds or just come pick through piles of toys, parts, and various electronic what-have-yous. Sunday June 13th 2pm-7pm...

Thingamagoop 2 revision 1

We’ve made a few changes to the Thingamagoop 2 that makes the kit even easier to put together! Here are the major differences: – The three jacks on the side have been removed and an 1/8″ CV jack has been added to the top. – CV jack is now...

Bay Area Maker Faire 2010

Bleep Labs and Handmade Music will be in the maker shed this year. We’ll be making noise and putting on a few workshops so come on by!

Thingamagoop 2: RGB

Introducing a new edition of the Thingamagoop 2! The RGB makes all the sounds of the standard Thingamagoop 2 but features a laser cut acrylic face plate and blinking RGB LEDs. Get your own light up noise party machine...